
This is so you can get to know me without wading through every one of my (delightfully funny and informative, for the most part) blog posts.  Personally, I hate reading a bunch of dry facts about someone I’m trying to get to know, so this may ramble a bit; bear with me. I write a lot of blog posts about my work on editing novels on a freelance basis. I tend to fall head over heels in love with the books I’m editing, and I simply adore every one of “my” authors, which is probably why I talk about them and their books so much.

I have been publishing my own work as well, of course. In One Year’s Time was written in 1998, Blackstone Gate was written in 1999. Yes, a very long time ago. I’ve recently set myself to return to writing by writing a science fiction series I’m calling Smuggler at Large. In that series I published Smuggler’s Justice, book 1 of Smuggler at Large in December of 2016. In my urban fantasy / alternate history series, The Arcane Line, I published “Dragon’s Eggs Benedict” in the Betrayals of Another Kind anthology, and another short story from that world “A Line in the Snow”, will be published in an anthology in early 2017. In my paranormal noir series Murphy’s Law I have published several spin-off Mill City Stories, including “A Witch in Mill City”, “Wolf at the Door”, and “Siren’s Call”, and I’m working on several more Mill City Stories while continuing work on Murphy’s Law book 1 – Catch Can. I’m also working on a dystopian sci-fi stand alone This Cold Desert, a horror stand-alone Only In Dreams, and a YA Fantasy Thin Spots, which may become a series of its own.

In addition, I have set up a Patreon page where my friends, fans & supporters can contribute to my writing each month. In return, patrons get first (and sometimes only) access to short stories, novellas, ARCs, possibly even signed copies of novels. In addition, patrons can vote in polls, make suggestions, and have their suggestions incorporated into future work. You can visit my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/robitille and I hope you’ll consider becoming a patron.



3 responses to “About

  1. I appreciate you visiting and following my blog. I hope you do well with the publishers you’ve recently sent to :).


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